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Geometry and Stock Market :-

Christ is shown using compasses to re-enact the creation of the universe from the chaos of the primal state.

Geometric diagrams can be contemplated as still moments revealing a continuous, timeless, universal action generally hidden from our sensory perception. Thus a seemingly common mathematical activity can become a discipline for intellectual and spiritual insight

Geometry deals with pure form, and philosophical geometry re-enacts the unfolding of each form out of a preceding one. It is a way by which the essential creative mystery is rendered visible.

These Ideas cannot be perceived by the senses, but by pure reason alone. Geometry was the language recommended by Plato as the clearest model by which to describe this metaphysical realm

Number Vibration :-

Numbers are the sources of form and energy in the world. They are dynamic and active even among themselves . . .almost human in their capacity for mutual influence They are in fact the very elements of nature. The tools of  geometry and number represent the means to attain knowledge of both external and internal space and time


  1. hi...
    may i know about law of vibration and how to apply it for stocks and index

  2. Only W D Gann Knows. how he applied that.

  3. Hello can you help me about Gann the basics of how to use the square of 9 in trading

  4. can anyone tell how to find the vibration number of stocks

  5. Can anybody please explain me "how to draw 45 degree angle from zero price in gannanlyst 5.00 " or any other version of gannanlyst
